Remember the flash of light earlier in Outlast 2, just before the Compound section? Well it's back, except this time it transports poor Blake Langermann back to his high school, for reasons unknown at the present time.

You'll see another enemy with a torch patrolling just outside, so wait until he's moving across the bridge in the opposite direction from you, and move past the tree with the barrel next to it and round the next house, moving in through the door.

Hop through the window of the second house you come to, and peek through the door on the other side of the house. Make your way past the first house on the right, not stopping to enter the house as there's no items whatsoever inside. Hug the right side of the river and hide behind the rocks, waiting for the enemy with the torch immediately ahead of you to pass over to the left side of the bridge. Next, you'll come to an area where the stream turns into a river, with several small bridges and houses dotted around the area. After the fight between the fanatics and the heretics, and after their leader is done licking the face of Blake, proceed downriver to escape the pursuers with torches, watching carefully for a battery on the floor after about 5 seconds of running. Jump out of the window and drop down to be reunited with her, where a prolonged walking section will take place. Run straight upstairs and open the door on the second floor, running to the door at the very end of the hallway to watch Lynn escape from a window below. Climbing out of the basement prison to the house above, Blake hears shouts and screams from Lynn, fairly close by.