The replicants chased by Harrison Ford's cop come saddled with an inbuilt four-year lifespan. Alien aside, it remains Scott's most ambitious, fully realised film. " Who cares that the "final cut" of Blade Runner is virtually indistinguishable from the 1992 "director's cut", which was itself just a stripped-down modification of the original 1982 release? Ridley Scott's baroque spectacular still has plenty going for it, not least its half-cut vision of a 21st-century Los Angeles that boasts flying cars, clunky, breeze-block computers, extreme weather and a conspicuous absence of a smoking ban. Starring Edward James Olmos, Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Darryl Hannah

R (Restricted to persons over 16 years of age unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.) Blade Runner, in all its various, shimmering incarnations, is deathless.

Airships advertise hope from this world of grunge, “A new life… in the Off-world colonies. Now Playing: Blade Runner: Black Lotus: The Doll Hunt. 50 seconds of a scrolling-text-backstory later, we are thrust into the post-apocalyptic world of Blade Runner, its sky-high towers, flying cars, and video-call machines, these gizmos a mere reminder of the civilisation that once was. Get trailers and videos for Blade Runner: Black Lotus at. Blade Runner 2049 - '2036: Nexus Dawn' Short. The screen darkens, the credits play first, as they used to back in the day, the noir, ominous music a portending of what’s to come. You can watch all three Blade Runner 2049 shorts on YouTube here: Blade Runner 2049 - 'Black Out 2022' Anime Short.