She wanted to get to know this part more deeply since she disliked it so much. This belief has often left her feeling despair and exhaustion around never feeling good enough. When asked what it was that most disturbed her about her conflict with her friend, she said it was the long term feeling that ultimately she is a 'loser' despite all her achievements. We acknowledged that on a socio-cultural level this is also a criticism that older, single women tend to suffer from. She recognised that her friend's criticisms reflected her own tough inner critic. Also that she had loving, deep, long term friendships. She was aware that her friend's criticisms reflected her own ongoing self criticism around being single and feeling that she was to blame in some way despite all the personal development and therapy she had done.

In a conversation on relationships my client who is a single, female in her late 30's felt criticised by a long term friend around what she saw as her inability to sustain a long term relationship. She had attempted to address the conflict with a friend but it escalated and both ended up feeling hurt and unheard. This case describes a personal relationship conflict that a client presented. Ĭase Study: Personal Relationship Conflict The next step in our individuation is to - discover, feel, see, hear, and relate to the world as if it were a part of us, realising that we too are a part of its development. Carl Jung described the process of evolving balance and symmetry as individuation. To work on conflict as an inner experience requires the ongoing awareness and development of certain feeling attitudes such as openness, curiosity, expansiveness, eldership, generosity and detachment. This is an attempt to get beyond content and into deeper qualities that have a more unifying effect. The main application of sentience is to use inner work, by accessing the deepest essential core quality of an aspect or person within that conflict that disturbs or intrigues us the most. In my enquiry I will use a specific case example of working on a relationship conflict using our sentient level of awareness. It is a level that is non-local, non-temporal and non-causal in nature. On a sentient level there is no such thing as an external conflict, it is inside us and part of our potentiality and ambiguity. Sentience is a term from Process Oriented Psychology or Process Work and refers to accessing our most subtle and slightest tendencies - before there are polarities. Working on a stuck conflict on a sentient or inner level is a way to move beyond polarities or (you and me) to a more unifying process in order to create change. How do we sit with unresolved conflict when the other party is unwilling to work, or take responsibility? At these times it is useful to shift away from a relationship focus to an inner focus.